

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Siracha Honey chicken bites with fried rice.

Let's start with rice because it takes longer and then we will do the chicken.
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
1/4 teaspoons of red pepper flakes
1 bell pepper
1 carrot
3-4 gloves of garlic
1 egg
fresh ginger
1 onion
2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
salt to taste
2ish cups of cooked rice (not in picture)
Zest up the garlic and zest in about a tablespoon of ginger.  Dice up onion and bell peppers.  Cook in a skillet with butter or olive oil.  Then add in thinly sliced carrot.  I used my mandolin. Cook until tender.
Crack in egg and scramble into mixture.
Add rice, salt, pepper, soy, and vinegar. and heat for a couple min.

Now on to the sauce:
 1/2 cup of honey
1/2 cup of siracha
1/4 cup on fresh lime juice
Whisk together and set aside.

desired amount of chicken breasts or tenders.  I like them because they are smalled and easier to manage
flour and bread crumbs
 Cut up chicken into bite size pieces.  Toss with a mixture of flour and bread crumbs.  Cook in a skillet until golden and then pour on the sauce.
Add extra sauce to rice if desired

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